Standard Bank Revolving Credit Loan. How it works Apply for a Revolving Loan via Internet Banking Once your loan has been approved, the funds will be paid straight into your bank account If you have a Standard Bank Revolving Credit Plan (RCP) or Term Loan Account, you can. Revolving lines of credit may be secured by a company's assets, in which case the bank has the ability to seize property if the debts are not paid in.
A revolving line of credit gives you access to funds whenever you need them.
Credit cards are the perfect example of revolving credit.
For that, you'd typically take out an installment loan, essentially borrowing one big chunk of money and paying it off in monthly installments until the debt is gone. First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. Such links are only provided on our website for the convenience of the Client and Standard Chartered Bank does not control or endorse such websites.